The Challenge
Increased rates of chronic disease, and an ageing population, require health services to improve how we utlise team-based care to maintain patient outcome and improve quality of life. While there is broad agreement on the goal, the focus remains on piloting 'innovative models of care' in under-serviced areas rather than delivering innovation models of care. In rural and remote communities, securing even a single health practitioner can be challenging due to the failure of government rural health and medical workforce programs. New and proven models are therefore needed to ensure rural and remote people can enjoy the right to universal health care access using technology and innovative partnerships. The aim of this project was to demonstrate that rural and remote communities have the existing knowledge and skills to immediately begin delivering integrated healthcare, and to build confidence among policy makers that we can move beyond "trials" to implementation of services.
Theory of Change
Anticipated Outcomes
Short-Intermediate Term
Team-based care services provided
Practitioner satisfaction with ability to provide quality care
Self-reported patient satisfaction with quality and access
Long Term Outcomes
Improved health and well-being for vulnerable people living in rural and remote communities.
Team-based care services provided
Practitioner satisfaction with ability to provide quality care using multiple modes and multiple disciplines
Quality & Access
Self-reported patient satisfaction with quality and access
29 July 2024
The trial was funded by the Murray Darling Basin Authority. Additional funding was requested from NSW Minister for Health to reduce avoidable hospital admissions but was declined. New funding applications are being prepared.