Creating jobs, training and economic opportunity through the development of a community-run op-shop in Galariinbaraay/Collarenebri
The Challenge
The centralisation of public services into reginal and metrpolitan cities, and withdrawal of social and employment support from small rural towns, has contributed to a decline in local training opportunities and businesses in which young people can access work experience. There is also a critical need for improved access to affordable clothing, blankets, kitchen applicance and similar to ensure the health of their family.
Theory of Change
Anticipated Outcomes
Short-Intermediate Term
Increase in training and employment opportunities for young people.
Sustainable business models that generates surpluses for reinvestment in community health.
Self-reported satisfaction with quality of experience.
Long Term Outcomes
Improved local training opportunities for young people.
Number of trainees
Surplus revenue from activities
Self-reported experience of trainees
15 April 2024
The program is subject of a current grant application.
Roie Caine, Practice Manager, Collarenebri Medical Centre (02) 5809 9505