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Using sport to de-stigmatise suicide and mental health in rural communities and to create safe opportunities to engage in health literacy building among adults and young people

The Challenge

Suicide is the leading cause of death among Australians aged 15–24.  Suicide rates are also increasing Australia-wide and within a number of demographic groups, such as rural communities in particular people who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, LGBTIQ+ people and the unemployed.  Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people are twice as likely to suicide compared to non-Indigenous people.  Farming communities in general have a rate of suicide that is twice the rate of non-farming communities. Rural and remote communities experience suicide rates that are twice the rate of metropolitan communities. And LGBTQI+ people experience suicide ideation  at a rate ten times higher than non LGBTQI+ people.  Health literacy in relation to suicide is the ability to understand the warning signs, risk factors, treatment options and prevention strategies for suicide. There is a stigma associated with suicide and mental illness in rural towns grown around perception that rural people are more resilient and tough compared to city people.  Stigma reduction is therefore a critical component of any strategy to address the high rate of suicide in rural areas.

Theory of Change

Sport is one of the main ways in which rural communities come together.  Engaging rural people through professional sporting codes will reduce the stigma associated with suicide and mental illness opening the door to wider community discussion about the  warning signs, risk factors, treatment options and prevention strategies for suicide.

Anticipated Outcomes

Short-Intermediate Term

  1. Number of people attending community-based suicide and mental health sporting events 

  2. Self-reported reduction in stigma around suicide and mental illness

  3. Self-reported increase in health literacy around suicide and mental illness

Long Term

Reduction in prevelance of suicide in rural communities.



Number of people attending community-based suicide and mental health sporting events


Self-reported reduction in stigma around suicide and mental illness

Health Literacy

Self-reported increase in health literacy around suicide and mental illness

15 April 2024



Cassie Talbot, Program Manager, Healthy Minds (0422 407 915)

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